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Vieux 13/11/2024, 11h32   #1
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fufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant future
Par défaut immo off sim32 twingo 1 phase 2 250kps

bonjour est il possible de faire un off sur cet ecu?
je joint toutes les ref et dumps en pj
merci d avance
Images attachées
Type de fichier : jpg IMG_20241113_095456.jpg (97,8 Ko, 19 affichages)
Type de fichier : jpg IMG_20241113_111108.jpg (97,5 Ko, 22 affichages)
Fichiers attachés
Type de fichier : bin sim32 64f7055 flash.bin (512,0 Ko, 2 affichages)
Type de fichier : bin sim32 95160.bin (2,0 Ko, 1 affichages)
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Vieux 13/11/2024, 12h16   #2
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akasa67 has a reputation beyond reputeakasa67 has a reputation beyond reputeakasa67 has a reputation beyond reputeakasa67 has a reputation beyond reputeakasa67 has a reputation beyond reputeakasa67 has a reputation beyond reputeakasa67 has a reputation beyond reputeakasa67 has a reputation beyond reputeakasa67 has a reputation beyond reputeakasa67 has a reputation beyond reputeakasa67 has a reputation beyond repute
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Hello au plus propre émulateur Can
cliquer sur THANKS
A force de galérer le diag devient une passion......
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Vieux 13/11/2024, 12h39   #3
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Jock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond repute
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Je rejoins greg émulateur can et roule

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Vieux 13/11/2024, 12h52   #4
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fufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant future
Par défaut

ok bon je vais voir ca
merci en tout cas
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Vieux 13/11/2024, 16h54   #5
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fufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant future
Par défaut

je viens de verifier
l emulateur julie ne fonctionne pas sur cet ecu
et ce a cause d une resistance presente ou pas sur la carte
voir photos jointes...
une autre soluce?
Images attachées
Type de fichier : jpg sim32 resistor.jpg (19,3 Ko, 15 affichages)
Type de fichier : jpg IMG_20241113_165014.jpg (107,2 Ko, 12 affichages)
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Vieux 13/11/2024, 17h02   #6
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tico has much to be proud oftico has much to be proud oftico has much to be proud oftico has much to be proud oftico has much to be proud oftico has much to be proud oftico has much to be proud oftico has much to be proud oftico has much to be proud oftico has much to be proud of
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slt celui de rocket ne marche pas!?
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Vieux 13/11/2024, 17h04   #7
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fufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant future
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et bien vu que j ai pas rocket je peux pas te le dire...
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Vieux 13/11/2024, 21h11   #8
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Snatsh has much to be proud ofSnatsh has much to be proud ofSnatsh has much to be proud ofSnatsh has much to be proud ofSnatsh has much to be proud ofSnatsh has much to be proud ofSnatsh has much to be proud ofSnatsh has much to be proud ofSnatsh has much to be proud of
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salut sur ce calculateur l"emulateur rocket fonctionne .
tape rocket start sur google et regarde la liste .
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Vieux 14/11/2024, 07h14   #9
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Jock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond reputeJock66 has a reputation beyond repute
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Tu es sur car sur carlab la liste des comptatibles il y a bien ton calculateur, et j’ai déjà monté 2/3 julie sur des sim32 clio 2/twingo et jamais eu de soucis

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Vieux 14/11/2024, 08h10   #10
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fufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant future
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salut oui mais la c est immo filaire pas can .
j ai eu la confirmation de kmtech son emulateur passe pas la dessus .
et carlabimmo ils disent bien marche pas si resistance presente (voir photo plus haut ).
sur clio 2 de ces années la c est pas pareil que twingo
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Vieux 14/11/2024, 08h30   #11
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Envoyé par fufounet Voir le message
salut oui mais la c est immo filaire pas can .
j ai eu la confirmation de kmtech son emulateur passe pas la dessus .
et carlabimmo ils disent bien marche pas si resistance presente (voir photo plus haut ).
sur clio 2 de ces années la c est pas pareil que twingo
Sont émulateur Can ne passe pas ??
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Vieux 14/11/2024, 10h11   #12
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Salut quel est le problème d immo inital?
"Il vaut mieux être détesté pour ce que tu es, plutôt qu’être aimé pour ce que tu n’es pas"
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Vieux 14/11/2024, 12h22   #13
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fufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant futurefufounet has a brilliant future
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Envoyé par akasa67 Voir le message
Sont émulateur Can ne passe pas ??
non car sur twingo 1 phase 2 c est immo filaire
juste apres twingo 2 c est can
c est la reponse de km

probleme initial de temps en temps immo on led rouge clignote vite ..
mais on m a juste posé l auto et dit de faire un off.
je parie que je fais une autre clef et plus de probleme..
en tout cas de source officielle
emulateur julie ->non
emulateur rocket start ->non
sur twingo 1 phase 2 sim32 car immo filaire ...
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